How to convert YOLOv5 model to ncnn model


This article explains how to convert a YOLOv5 PyTorch model to an ncnn model. Once the PyTorch model (.pt) is converted to an ONNX model, and then from the ONNX model to the ncnn model (.param and .bin). In addition, some notes on YOLOv5 are explained.



In this article, ncnn was installed on Jetson Nano, but this time ncnn is installed on the host PC to check the operation on the host PC.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y cmake build-essential libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libopencv-dev
git clone
cd ncnn
mkdir build
cd build
make -j
make installCode language: Bash (bash)

For detailed installation instructions, please refer to this article and this article.

operation check

Execute the following. Repository shaoshengsong/yolov5_62_export_ncnn has yolov5s_6.2.param and yolov5s_6.2.bin which are referenced by the yolov5 sample code in ncnn.

git clone
cd yolov5_62_export_ncnn
../examples/yolov5 bus.jpgCode language: Bash (bash)

The following images are shown.

bus.jpg with ncnn yolov5

Conversion from PyTorch model to ONNX model

To convert a PyTorch model (.pt) to an ONNX model, use the shaoshengsong/yolov5_62_export_ncnn repository that was cloned above. the original YOLOv5 repository also has a script to convert to ONNX, but the output results differently.

$ pwd
yolov5_62_export_ncnnCode language: Bash (bash)

Install the necessary packages.

sudo apt install -y python3-pip
python3 -m pip install -U pip
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txtCode language: Bash (bash)

Retrieve a PyTorch model of YOLOv5 and convert it to an ONNX model.

$ get
$ python3 --weights --img 640 --batch 1 --include onnx --simplify
$ ls yolov5s.onnx
yolov5s.onnxCode language: Bash (bash)

Conversion from ONNX model to ncnn model

The conversion from ONNX models to ncnn models is done using onnx2ncnn, which is created in build/install/bin/onnx2ncnn when ncnn is built & installed.

../install/bin/onnx2ncnn yolov5s.onnx yolov5s.param yolov5s.binCode language: Bash (bash)

Now, if we look at ncnn’s YOLOv5 sample code, we can see that the model is loaded by directly specifying yolov5s_6.2.param and yolov5s_6.2.bin. The files created this time are yolov5s.param and yolov5s.bin, so the file names should be changed as follows

diff --git a/examples/yolov5.cpp b/examples/yolov5.cpp
index 88f6db2..ef5b2d5 100644
--- a/examples/yolov5.cpp
+++ b/examples/yolov5.cpp
@@ -280,9 +280,9 @@ static int detect_yolov5(const cv::Mat& bgr, std::vector<Object>& objects)
     // original pretrained model from
     // the ncnn model
 #if YOLOV5_V62
-    if (yolov5.load_param("yolov5s_6.2.param"))
+    if (yolov5.load_param("yolov5s.param"))
-    if (yolov5.load_model("yolov5s_6.2.bin"))
+    if (yolov5.load_model("yolov5s.bin"))
 #elif YOLOV5_V60
     if (yolov5.load_param("yolov5s_6.0.param"))Code language: Diff (diff)

Build and run again.

$ make -C ..
$ ../examples/yolov5 bus.jpg
find_blob_index_by_name 353 failed
    ex.extract("output", out0);
    ex.extract("354", out1);
    ex.extract("366", out2);
Floating point exception (core dumped)Code language: Bash (bash)

Unlike before, an error was displayed and bus.jpg did not show up.

Here is a brief explanation of how to fix it.

First, let’s examine yolov5s.param for the above error.

$ grep -w -e output -e 354 -e 366 yolov5s.param 
Permute          /model.24/Transpose      1 1 /model.24/Reshape_output_0 output 0=1
Permute          /model.24/Transpose_1    1 1 /model.24/Reshape_1_output_0 354 0=1
Permute          /model.24/Transpose_2    1 1 /model.24/Reshape_2_output_0 366 0=1Code language: Bash (bash)

It contained the numbers output, 354 and 366. let’s visualize yolov5s.onnx at

The yolov5s.onnx seems to have three outputs: output, 354, and 366.

On the other hand, examine yolov5s_6.2.param in shaoshengsong/yolov5_62_export_ncnn.

$ grep Permute yolov5s_6.2.param
Permute          Transpose_200            1 1 338 output 0=1
Permute          Transpose_203            1 1 352 353 0=1
Permute          Transpose_206            1 1 366 367 0=1Code language: Bash (bash)

The display is slightly different, but output, 353 and 367 seem to be the outputs. This differs from the values (354, 366) examined yolov5s.param.

If we look at the sample code for YOLOv5 in ncnn, the following code exists.

$ grep -w -e 353 -e 367 ../../examples/yolov5.cpp 
        ex.extract("353", out);
        ex.extract("367", out);Code language: Bash (bash)

It seems that output is specified here. yolov5.cpp should be modified as follows.

@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ static int detect_yolov5(const cv::Mat& bgr, std::vector<Object>& objects)
         ncnn::Mat out;
 #if YOLOV5_V62
-        ex.extract("353", out);
+        ex.extract("354", out);
 #elif YOLOV5_V60
         ex.extract("376", out);
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ static int detect_yolov5(const cv::Mat& bgr, std::vector<Object>& objects)
         ncnn::Mat out;
 #if YOLOV5_V62
-        ex.extract("367", out);
+        ex.extract("366", out);
 #elif YOLOV5_V60
         ex.extract("401", out);
 #elseCode language: Diff (diff)

Build and run again.

$ make -C ..
$ ../examples/yolov5 bus.jpg
67 = 0.99632 at 656.76 509.26 152.24 x 0.00
67 = 0.99476 at 644.50 499.47 164.50 x 0.00
67 = 0.99158 at 809.00 464.90 0.00 x 0.00
67 = 0.98984 at 809.00 452.97 0.00 x 0.00
67 = 0.98339 at 195.63 596.97 222.76 x 0.00
67 = 0.98278 at 749.81 304.04 59.19 x 0.00
67 = 0.98148 at 809.00 294.05 0.00 x 0.00
67 = 0.97992 at 0.00 523.36 195.36 x 0.00
67 = 0.97671 at 726.73 307.79 82.27 x 0.00
67 = 0.97668 at 45.13 341.54 48.62 x 0.00
...Code language: Bash (bash)

The error no longer appears, but the following image is shown.

The details can be found in this article, but we will modify the parameters of Reshape. The format of the parameters can be found here.

$ grep ^Reshape yolov5s.param 
Reshape          /model.24/Reshape        1 1 /model.24/m.0/Conv_output_0 /model.24/Reshape_output_0 0=6400 1=85 2=3
Reshape          /model.24/Reshape_1      1 1 /model.24/m.1/Conv_output_0 /model.24/Reshape_1_output_0 0=1600 1=85 2=3
Reshape          /model.24/Reshape_2      1 1 /model.24/m.2/Conv_output_0 /model.24/Reshape_2_output_0 0=400 1=85 2=3
$ grep ^Reshape yolov5s_6.2.param 
Reshape          Reshape_199              1 1 326 338 0=-1 1=85 2=3
Reshape          Reshape_202              1 1 340 352 0=-1 1=85 2=3
Reshape          Reshape_205              1 1 354 366 0=-1 1=85 2=3Code language: Bash (bash)

The yolov5s.param has 0=6400, 0=1600, and 0=400.

On the other hand, yolov5s_6.2.param has 0=-1, 0=-1, and 0=-1.

Modify yolov5s.param to 0=-1.

@@ -165,11 +165,11 @@
 Convolution      /model.23/cv3/conv/Conv  1 1 /model.23/Concat_output_0 /model.23/cv3/conv/Conv_output_0 0=512 1=1 11=1 2=1 12=1 3=1 13=1 4=0 14=0 15=0 16=0 5=1 6=262144
 Swish            /model.23/cv3/act/Mul    1 1 /model.23/cv3/conv/Conv_output_0 /model.23/cv3/act/Mul_output_0
 Convolution      /model.24/m.0/Conv       1 1 /model.17/cv3/act/Mul_output_0_splitncnn_0 /model.24/m.0/Conv_output_0 0=255 1=1 11=1 2=1 12=1 3=1 13=1 4=0 14=0 15=0 16=0 5=1 6=32640
-Reshape          /model.24/Reshape        1 1 /model.24/m.0/Conv_output_0 /model.24/Reshape_output_0 0=6400 1=85 2=3
+Reshape          /model.24/Reshape        1 1 /model.24/m.0/Conv_output_0 /model.24/Reshape_output_0 0=-1 1=85 2=3
 Permute          /model.24/Transpose      1 1 /model.24/Reshape_output_0 output 0=1
 Convolution      /model.24/m.1/Conv       1 1 /model.20/cv3/act/Mul_output_0_splitncnn_0 /model.24/m.1/Conv_output_0 0=255 1=1 11=1 2=1 12=1 3=1 13=1 4=0 14=0 15=0 16=0 5=1 6=65280
-Reshape          /model.24/Reshape_1      1 1 /model.24/m.1/Conv_output_0 /model.24/Reshape_1_output_0 0=1600 1=85 2=3
+Reshape          /model.24/Reshape_1      1 1 /model.24/m.1/Conv_output_0 /model.24/Reshape_1_output_0 0=-1 1=85 2=3
 Permute          /model.24/Transpose_1    1 1 /model.24/Reshape_1_output_0 354 0=1
 Convolution      /model.24/m.2/Conv       1 1 /model.23/cv3/act/Mul_output_0 /model.24/m.2/Conv_output_0 0=255 1=1 11=1 2=1 12=1 3=1 13=1 4=0 14=0 15=0 16=0 5=1 6=130560
-Reshape          /model.24/Reshape_2      1 1 /model.24/m.2/Conv_output_0 /model.24/Reshape_2_output_0 0=400 1=85 2=3
+Reshape          /model.24/Reshape_2      1 1 /model.24/m.2/Conv_output_0 /model.24/Reshape_2_output_0 0=-1 1=85 2=3
 Permute          /model.24/Transpose_2    1 1 /model.24/Reshape_2_output_0 366 0=1Code language: Diff (diff)

This is a modification of yolov5s.param, so no build is required. Once corrected, run it again.

../examples/yolov5 bus.jpgCode language: Bash (bash)

It showed up well!

Below is a video of YOLOv5 running on Jetson Nano using the ncnn model with the results trained with own dataset.

ncnn YOLOv5 with own dataset on Jetson Nano

That’s all.


GitHub - Tencent/ncnn: ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform
ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform - Tencent/ncnn
how to build
ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform - Tencent/ncnn
Tutorial for compiling NCNN library - Zekun Wang's Blog | Data Science
Across the Great Wall, we can reach every corner in the world
operation param weight table
ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform - Tencent/ncnn
Visualizer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models.